How to Treat Home Heating Oil Spills & Smells
Kerosene spills are a very regular occurrence in homes. Whether the tank is being filled or replaced, whether the boiler leaks, or some other malfunction, kerosene often spills on lawns, patios or leaks in utility rooms.
When kerosene leaks, there are tell tale signs, like dying grass, stained soil around the boiler and strong smells. Often these smells are evident around the house, as they travel under gaps in the doors, along pipes and up staircases.
Kerosene is a hydrocarbon which, in time, will break down into carbon dioxide and water. This process is called bioremediation. When you smell the kerosene fumes, this is the start of the bioremediation process
The tell tale sign of a kerosene spill.
The kerosene will kill the grass, the roots of the grass and the nutrients in the soil, if it is not treated with S-200 Oilgone.
S-200 Oilgone is an organic bioremediation accelerator. It vastly accelerates the natural process through which hydrocarbons break down in nature. This process is called bioremediation.
When you have a spill of kerosene around a boiler, spray the surface of the kerosene spill thoroughly with S-200. Within minutes the S-200 bonds with the kerosene, encapsulating it in a complex matrix. The kerosene will immediately be rendered non-combustible, inert, will lose its smell and its sheen. You will be able to wash the kerosene down the drain, without any danger to the water table or local flora or fauna.
Kerosene smells
Kerosene evaporates very quickly and the smell disperses throughout the utility room, garage and house very quickly.
If someone is cooking roast potatoes in the kitchen and you are in the attic, you can smell those delicious potatoes because the smells travel up the stairwells and along pipes, throughout the house. Well kerosene is the same.
The walls closest to the source of the spill – the boiler house or cupboard – will have strong traces of kerosene on them. The gases will have come in contact with the cold wall, and will condense on them.
We recommend that you take a 1l sprayer of S-200 Oilgone and spray the walls closest to the source of the leak. You can also spray the boiler and any pipework that leads from the boiler into the kitchen. Any kerosene liquid or vapours that S-200 Oilgone comes in contact with, will immediately be rendered inert and the smell and sheen will disapper.
S-200 Oilgone is sold in 1l, 5l, 10l and 20l containers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Francis on 0035387 6345087 or