What is Bioremediation?
Bioremediation is the natural process by which hydrocarbons are broken down into carbon dioxide and water.
Bacteria/microbes occur naturally in the environment and create enzymes, and these enzymes break hydrocarbons
down into its constituent parts. Bioremediation can take a long time – years and often decades. Slick Solutions’ products can vastly accelerate this process, leaving no residue and cutting the time to weeks or months.
How does S-200 OilGone® work?
S-200 OilGone is a natural, non-toxic oleophilic fertilizer. When sprayed onto the surface of the contamination, it adheres to the hydrocarbon and provides nutrients to indigenous microorganisms. Feeding the microorganisms causes them to multiple and to create enzymes at a vastly increased rate, thereby accelerating the transformation of hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water.
How effective is S-200 OilGone®?
The rate at which the oil degrades and turns into carbon dioxide and water is based on the carbon density of the
The comparison table below indicates the vastly accelerated rates achievable using S-200 OilGone®